Sunday, 20 December 2009

Krupnik (barley groats soup)

Krupnik is one of the fastest soups you can prepare and enjoy its taste. It does not take too much time and attention so you can treat is as something you’ll prepare “along” some other dish.


5 chicken wings
1 glass of barley groats (from any Polish shop: kasza wiejska jęczmienna)
4 medium size potatoes
3 small carrots
1 parsnip
1 medium size leek
2 bay leaves
Salt pepper
5 table spoon of Polish sour cream (10%, from any Polish shop)


Place chicken wings, peeled vegetables and bay leaves in a pan and make a stock. Add salt and pepper for flavour. You may also add 1-2 chicken stock cubes. Bring it to boil till vegetables and chicken meat are soft.

Peel potatoes and chop them into small cubes. Keep in water. Otherwise they will go black.
Once the meat is soft, remove from the pan and let it cool down.

Add potatoes and barley groats to the pan and simmer till soft. In the meantime, shred the meat and add to the stock.

When potatoes and barley groats are soft, add sour cream and stir gently till dissolved.

Serve hot.

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