Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Cheese cake

I have seen and tasted quite a few cheese cakes here, in the UK. They were all yummy, but still, we have our own cheese cake you might be interested in trying to bake. Make sure you have enough time for that and all ingredients necessary. And you will need quite a lot, so a visit to a Polish shop in unavoidable.


Minced Polish cottage cheese (available in tubs), 1 kg
2 packs of vanilla sugar
Butter (unsalted) or Flora, 150 grams
Sugar, 2 cups
Instant Polish cream custard (budyƄ), 2 packets
5 eggs
Raisins, 100 grams
Lemon or orange zest for taste (suggested caramelised)
Margarine and breadcrumbs for the baking tin


Place raisins in a bowl, boil water and pour it in the bowl. Make sure the raisins are all covered. Leave aside to soak and cool down. Place the cottage cheese in a big bowl, add soft butter, vanilla sugar, sugar, instant custard, eggs and mix it all with an electric mixer.

Be careful, the mixture might splash.

Butter a big baking tin (including its edges) and sprinkle it with breadcrumbs. Make sure they all stick to the butter.

Rinse the raisins well and sprinkle them with flour. If you do so, they will not sink into the cake.

Pour the cake mixture into the baking tin and add raisins and lemon or orange zest. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Bake for about 50 minutes.

To make sure the cake is ready, use a long wooden skewer. Insert the skewer into the cake and remove. If the cake is stuck to it, it needs more baking. The cake is ready if the skewer is clean.

When the cake is ready, turn the oven off, but leave the cake inside. Serve sprinkled with icing sugar. Yum!

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