Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Herrings in sour cream

Lots of parties in Poland include herrings in sour cream. The dish is really easy to make and makes a nice difference on the party table.


2 flat packs of herrings in oil (Matias herrings from a Polish shop)
2 medium size onions
5-6 tablespoons of sour cream (18 percent)
Ground pepper
1 tablespoon of fresh, chopped dill


Remove herrings from the packs, pour the oil away and chop them into chunks. Place herring chunks in a bowl. Chop onions finely and add to the herrings. Add pepper and add sour cream.

Stir well and add dill.

Herrings in sour cream are traditionally served on Ash Wednesday together with freshly boiled, hot, jacked potatoes. However, herrings can be served as a separate, complimentary salad dish in a separate bowl.

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